Can I adjust the size and position of the circular popup?

Learn how to customize the dimensions and placement of a circular popup on your website.


Yes, you can adjust the size and position of a circular popup on your website.


Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Size: The size of the circular popup is primarily determined by the size of the image you uploaded and the image width you have set. If you want a larger popup, use a larger image. If you want a smaller popup, use a smaller image. You can adjust the size of the image using any graphic editing tool before uploading it to Faprime.

  2. Position: When setting up your popup, you should see options to position the popup at the top, bottom, left, right, or center of the screen. Choose the position that best suits your needs.

For example, if you’re running a special promotion and you want to make sure every visitor sees it, you might choose to use a large image and position the popup in the center of the screen. This would make the popup immediately visible to anyone who visits your website.

On the other hand, if you’re just announcing a minor update to your terms of service, you might choose to use a smaller image and position the popup at the bottom right of the screen. This would make the popup less intrusive, while still ensuring that the information is available to those who need it.


Read further: How do I adjust the size and position of the circular image popup?

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