How can I add a callout message to my Helpbot?

Adding a Callout Message to Your Faqprime Helpbot



A callout message is a feature that makes the Helpbot button more noticeable to new visitors on your website. It’s the first message that users see when they interact with your Helpbot. A well-crafted callout message can enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and guide users towards the information they need.


Here’s how you can add a callout message to your Helpbot:

  1. Log in to Faqprime’s Dashboard: Access your Faqprime account and navigate to the dashboard.

  2. Access the Helpbot Widget: On the right navigation menu, you will find the Helpbot widget. Click on it.

  3. Navigate to the ‘Look and Feel’ Tab: Here, you will find a section for callout messages.

  4. Enable the Callout Message: Tick the box to enable the callout message feature.

  5. Set the Callout Message Text: This is the message that users will see when they first interact with your Helpbot. For instance, for example you can use “I’m right here if you need any help :)”.

  6. Set the Callout Message Delay: This is the time (in seconds) after which the callout message is displayed once the Helpbot button has loaded. For example, you might set it to 5 seconds.

  7. Save Your Settings: After entering your callout message and setting the delay, save your settings to apply the changes.

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